A new year and a new drive to make this project awesome. Learn how you can help

In order to begin growing Lo-fi Gun & Game from a well-written albeit amateur outdoor blog into a world-class online publication packed with content that will engage and inspire hunters, anglers, and outdoor enthusiasts from all walks of life, I have launched a crowd funding campaign in order to generate capital to invest in the project. The details of the campaign are on my Go Fund Me page, which can be found HERE.

Before you roll your eyes and click away in annoyance at yet another attempt by some guy on the internet to part you with your hard earned money, please hear me out. By contributing as little as one dollar to my campaign, you’ll be helping to . . .

Create better and more frequent content while improving site aesthetics

Part of the mission of this site is to provide quality, useful content to an audience of DIY minded, budget conscious outdoor enthusiasts. Recycled press releases and opinionated rants will never have a home here. Unfortunately, product reviews and how-to articles are some of the more expensive to produce. Presently, I’m writing and posting these articles as I can afford to write them, which is admittedly with insufficient frequency. Having some funds available to publish five to six product reviews and how-to articles each week will enable me to rapidly build a body of work that will become a helpful resource to the audience. At the same time, applying funds to upgrade my photography equipment and site theme will improve the aesthetics of my work, making a visit to the site more enjoyable.

Add a wider variety of content to the site while creating opportunities for outdoor writers

The primary disadvantage of running Lo-fi Gun & Game as a one man operation is that the hunting, fishing, and firearms articles I can write about are limited in variety by my personal interests, background, experiences and location. The result is a somewhat narrow and repetitive range of content. This situation will be fixed by having funds available to pay competent writers who love the outdoors a lucrative rate to produce varied and quality content for the site. I’m hoping to soon bring my audience helpful articles on everything from spear fishing in the Gulf of Mexico to caribou hunting in northern Quebec.

Achieve the big dream: Change Lo-fi Gun & Game’s status from blog to world-class online publication and employer of outdoor enthusiasts

Providing frequent, engaging, content of unparalleled quality will inevitably increase traffic to the site. The increase in traffic will, over time, attract advertisers (Don’t worry, I promise to keep the ads tasteful and avoid any of those obnoxious blinking, flashing, and noisy ads that serve only to irritate visitors as well as those pop up ads that freeze computers and serve only to enrage visitors). Ad revenues will be invested back into the project and eventually I will be able to grow the site into a world-renowned and revered online publication that will employ a staff of top notch writers, photographers, and videographers, all of whom have a lifelong love of hunting, fishing, and the outdoors.

Thanks for taking the time to read my pitch. Please take a moment to visit my Go Fund Me Page. Every dollar is a huge help.
